How to upgrade firmware of vmg 3312-T20a

Drf Posts: 1
edited January 2019 in Smart Home Product
I just bought a vmg3312-t20a vdsl modem and router and can't for the life of me upgrade it's firmware. I downloaded all three of the available firmware upgrades from zyxel's site ABFX.0 ABFX.1 and ABFX.3 but when I try to upload any of them to the router I'm told that "Image uploading failed. The selected file is an illegal image."

As a side note I notice that the firmware currently installed in the router is designated (ABIV.2) instead of ABFX.?
Anyone have any idea what the problem is and how to solve it?


All Replies

    AAAAL Posts: 125  Ally Member

    Hi Drf,

    Firmware 5.30(ABFX.3)C0 is for xDSL Annex A version, your current firmware ABIV.2 is used in Annex B. We cannot upgrade firmware between them.

    You may need to connect to your internet service provider for firmware upgrade request.

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