port settings on vmg4381

procadman Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited January 2019 in Smart Home Product
I can't seem to access the default ip address:
According to the manual   we   that is what is needed to run the config manager.
I need to  possibly change some  port settings to allow better connection to   Rockstar   online via a PS3.

From   Rockstar:
**Please ensure that your NAT type is selected as Open. If your NAT type is Strict, it may be blocking ports used by the game, or it may translate your private port to a non-deterministic public port when sending packets to each different player in your session. Other players will be unable to determine which port to use to make a connection.**
 **Check for additional Ports to Forward for GTA Online:** **TCP Ports: 80, 443 UDP Ports: 6672, 61455, 61456, 61457, and 61458**


All Replies

  • SEJ
    SEJ Posts: 112  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    May we know where you get the VMG4381?
    If it is a brand new router, the LAN IP should be
    You can try to press the reset button for more than 15 seconds to reset the router to factory default.
    If you still can't access by after reset to factory default, there might two possibilities.
    1. this router loaded the ISP's customized configuration and saved as ROM-D, so the LAN IP is not, even you reset it to factory default. You may need to check with the ISP for the login info.
    2. the previous owner changed the LAN IP and saved it as ROM-D. You may need to check with the previous owner.
  • procadman
    procadman Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    "May we know where you get the VMG4381?"
    Supplied by my internet provider (Fuse.net)

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