Chromecast doesnt work with vmg1312-b10a

Cojrak Posts: 1
edited January 2019 in Smart Home Product

I'm trying to set up 3rd generation chromecast device on my home wireless network, for which I have Zyxel router vmg1312-B10A. Chromecast manages to download it's files on the network, but when it comes time to cast, it cannot connect to other devices. I have figured that problem may be that my wireless network has ap isolation or some such enabled, but I cannot find the option to disable it on the acces console of the router. Any suggestions?


All Replies

    AAAAL Posts: 125  Ally Member

    Hi Cojrak,

    What’s your VMG1312-B10A firmware version?

    Have the chromecast and other devices all under VMG1312 network, but cannot be found?

    Is there only one device cannot connect to the chromecast or all the devices failed?

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