About LoadBalance&Disassociate behavior

Gogocar Posts: 3  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited May 2024 in Wireless
In two stand-alone APs configuration and the same SSID environment, we want to connect to another AP as up to 20 clients in one AP.So, I activated the LoadBalance function (By Station Number) and checked Disassociate station when overloaded.

When two APs were connected with restriction set to 1, 2 or more connections were made.
After that, I waited for 5 minutes, but the phenomenon did not change.

Can you help me ?


  • Zyxel_Kathy
    Zyxel_Kathy Posts: 76  Zyxel Employee
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    Hi @Gogocar,
    If you want to test the load balance function with restriction set to 1 or 2 station in per AP, then the total test devices should be 2 or 4 units. To assure that there is other AP for station who is kicked to connect. 
    That's you can see load balance function works.

    For the load balance mechanism, the AP would not real block station connecting when all the APs are overloaded.If you enable this function, you should ensure that there are multiple APs within the broadcast radius that can accept any rejected or kicked wireless clients.
