Low-power mode - disabling radio on schedule

Wicky Posts: 42  Freshman Member
Ideas master First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Nebula
As with the scheduling of the SSID availability I would like to see a kind of low-power mode where particular AP's are actively scheduled for a low-power mode where radio is disabled and the device enters a low-power state instead of using POE scheduling on a switch to permanently shutdown the AP and no triggering alarms. Of when no POE scheduling is available. 


  • Nebula_Bayardo
    Nebula_Bayardo Posts: 179  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hi @Wicky,
    Currently, the AP's power consumption is based on the traffic that AP handles, which affects the CPU load. 
    If all the SSIDs are disabled with the SSID availability feature or no clients are connected, the load of the AP will decrease as will the power. Once the AP is idle (no traffic), the power consumption is around 30% of the maximum power (3/9 watts for NAP102 as example). 

    If you have a NSW, you can check the PoE column on Switch > Configure > Switch ports, and compare the consumption while the AP is in idle state and when the AP has heavy loading.

    The PoE power draw per NAP model can be found in the datasheets HERE.

    Is the current behavior good enough for your request?
  • flottmedia
    flottmedia Posts: 56  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Nebula Gratitude
    What's the best practice currently for turning off WiFi (completely = not only hiding SSID) during night for certain APs? As far as we can see, this only seems to be possible by creating a PoE schdule on the switches which leads to unwanted alert notifications / emails on the respective APs whenever they go down? Wouldn't it be better to really turn off the wireless interfaces of the APs in alle SSIDs are scheduled to be off?
  • Nebula_Bayardo
    Nebula_Bayardo Posts: 179  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hi @flottmedia
    At the current stage, the wireless interface cannot be turned off, but we already have it on the roadmap for the end of this year.
    And we also plan to enhance the alert notification when using PoE schedule, this is targeted to the middle of the year.

  • JeffRyer
    JeffRyer Posts: 7  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Is this feature available?  I can't find it. I just installed a WAX650S into Nebula and I need to power it off nightly, as requested above.  Per the last comment from @Nebula_Bayardo this would have been available over a year ago, but I'm having a hard time finding the feature.

  • Zyxel_Silvia
    Zyxel_Silvia Posts: 77  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers Friend Collector
    Hi @JeffRyer,

    we have SSID  schedule, please refer this post:
    we also have PoE schedule, the configuration page is at Switch > Configure > PoE Schedules.
    hope the above function meet your need.
    Thank you for raising questions.


  • systemIQGmbH
    systemIQGmbH Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Second Anniversary
    edited June 2022
    is there also a function that deactivates the SSID as soon as the last participant leaves the WLAN? Every Fritzbox can do that :smile:
  • Zyxel_HsinBo
    Zyxel_HsinBo Posts: 418  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch

    Thanks for consulting Nebula Support!
    The feature you mentioned seems for home domestic usage of IoT devices,
    For now, Zyxel Access Point products do not support the feature for the description from you.
    But we would create a feature request and forward this idea to our teams.
    Could you kindly help us to share how you use this feature in your scenario?

    If there is any further assistance that we could help with,
    Please do not hesitate to contact us!
    Have a nice day,
    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


    Zyxel Nebula Support

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