Zyxel VMG1312-B10A admin password was remotely changed: please help.

cnwoods Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited March 2019 in Smart Home Product
This has happened twice in the last couple of days (I had to reset to factory defaults each time). I've now updated to the latest firmware, but I'm somewhat reluctant to start using it again.

Will the latest firmware updates cure this vulnerability (if indeed it was a router problem and not something else??)

I'm running Arch Linux, using the chromium browser to access the Zyxel's setup (in case that makes a difference). I have a static IP address.

I would appreciate any help on this, as I'm keen to start using the Zyxel again (I'm currently using the router that came with my ISP, the terrible Hub One from Plus.net.)




  • cnwoods
    cnwoods Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Well I tried the VMG1312-B10A with the newly updated firmware [1.00(AAJZ.17)C0] and I'm able to log in after logging out and the router being up and running for a while. 

    It appears the update fixed whatever it was.

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