Bobobear Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited July 2019 in Smart Home Product
Hi, my router is a Zyxel VMG3925-B10B (Post Office), I just set up my new Google Chromecast but it can't be found. I should try and disable Access Point/AP isolation, but I could not find it in any menu (there is a Guest/More AP menu but all the guests were already disabled).
Do you have any idea on how I could make it work guys?
Thank you!


All Replies

  • Hikari
    Hikari Posts: 99  Ally Member
    First Comment
    Hi Bobobear,
    You mean you cannot find router SSID when trying to set up the connection between VMG3925 and Chromecast? May I ask if you're using which version Chromecast, 1 or 2 or 3? and router's FW ID? We have provided several FW version to POST Office customer, so I would need your FW version to do further check. Thank you.

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