NBG6615 - DHCP Problem

Odergimiy Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited August 2019 in Home Router
Good day, there is a router NBG6615, by default it ip address, I assign it the ip address, reboot it, then postglucose to it via ip address, go to the construction of the DHCP server, where the address range is already, confirm the settings, reboot it, but it addresses distributes DHCP the server is not running, tell me what's the problem ? I tried to throw off settings to factory, it does not help. Help solve the problem ?



  • PeterK
    PeterK Posts: 38  Freshman Member
    edited August 2019
    Before you change to, can DHCP sever worked fine with
    What's the device that connects to the NBG6615? 
    What firmware is your the NBG6615?
    "It addresses distributes DHCP the server is not running"  
    What does that mean? Don't all the clients get ip from NBG6615? or some of them?

  • Odergimiy
    Odergimiy Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    While address, DHCP works. After changing the address the computer on Windows 7 does not receive the address from DHCP, MacBook also could not get the address. No one gets the address from DHCP. Firmware version V1.00(ABMV.1)C0. Sorry I use the translator, so it is not clear to write.
  • Hill
    Hill Posts: 156  Master Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary
    Can you share the screenshot of NBG6615's web interface about LAN and DHCP server configuration?

    After you configured DHCP, please reboot NBG6615.
    If your devices still cannot get IP, please try to disable and re-enable the network card of your devices. Does LAN and WLAN devices, all cannot get IP from NBG6615?

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