ZYXEL C3000Z Gigabit - Poor performance for wired computer

ChrisPadillaAZ Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited August 2019 in Smart Home Product
Configured for 1000Mbps and that's what it shows but any wired test from Windows Computer is sub 100Mbps (Last Test:  Down:  96Mbps, Up: 96.5Mbps) My router shows connected but the Connection Status bar shows about 1/5th of the bar in green and the rest is black.  What does that mean???  Is there any test that can be performed from the Router itself?



  • ChrisPadillaAZ
    ChrisPadillaAZ Posts: 2  Freshman Member
     Image as seen in the Status page.
  • SEJ
    SEJ Posts: 112  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    That bar doesn't mean the bandwidth, it is just a indicator of "Connected" or "Not Connected".
    The WAN bandwidth is below "1000/1000 Mbps".
     (Last Test:  Down:  96Mbps, Up: 96.5Mbps) 
    This is because the LAN ports are 100/100 Mbps ports, so the speedtest would never over 100 Mbps.

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