VMG4825 drops all connections when Meraki MX firewall is used behind it.

RaiderRider88 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited August 2019 in Smart Home Product
When I connect my works Cisco Meraki MX84 or MX65 behind the Zyxel VMG4825 it will drop internet access once or twice a day. Rebooting the modem resolves the issue. Access to the Zyxel configuration interface is also lost. All lights appear fine on the front of the modem. Cisco Meraki could not identify the issue. Does anyone have an idea what could be going on here? I work from home and require the use of the Meraki to connect to my offices.


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  • SEJ
    SEJ Posts: 112  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    hi RaiderRider88

    "Access to the Zyxel configuration interface is also lost."
    What do you mean?
    You can try to upgrade to the latest FW.
    If the issue still happened, you may also need to report to your ISP for any possible connection or device issue.
  • RaiderRider88
    RaiderRider88 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    I can not get to configuration login page until after a reboot when this occurs. This is an ISP provided device. They were unable to provide any assistance. ISP states that there are no FW upgrades. This started after an upgrade from 30 mb service to 1 GB service. Previous modem was a Zyxel (i do not remember the model) which had no issue. ISP does not have any other supported modems for the 1 GB service.
  • SEJ
    SEJ Posts: 112  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    According to your description, it seems the router no response while issue happened. So all the internet traffic cannot pass through and neither login the router GUI page.
    If reset the router to factory default still has this problem, I would suggest you return the router to your ISP for more check or ask your ISP to provide another one to you, then see if another VMG4825 has the same issue or not.

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