V3.00(ABCG.12)T0 firmware upgrade

Armalite8 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited September 2019 in Smart Home Product

I have an AMG1302-T11C  on V3.00(ABCG.12)T0, and I want to upgrade to the most recent version. I have the 3.00(ABCG.13)C0.bin file, however when I hit 'upload' in the maintenance firmware screen it refreshes but doesn't change the version.

I'm wondering if this version is locked? Is it possible to force an upload using the jumpers on the circuit board?



All Replies

  • Zyxel_Support_CPE
    Zyxel_Support_CPE Posts: 188  Zyxel Employee
    Sixth Anniversary
    Hi Armalite8,

    As I reply to you in another post, your device is installed on customized fw so it’s impossible to change to C0 version.

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