BLUESFLOYD Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited September 2019 in Smart Home Product
hi guys,
            i have a (ZYXEL   AMG1302-T11C Wireless N ADSL2+ Gateway router) had this router for a few weeks, now using post office broadband, my son now says that some nights when streaming movies that his TV buffers some times, i think this could be a a night when all the family are in using the internet,

The firmware on the router is ( Current Firmware Version: V3.00(ABCG.12)T0 )  latest firmware if i am correct is  YES/NO?   (3.00(ABCG.13)C0 ) 
is it worth installing new firmware ? 
 old router before new post office router we had no trouble with buffering, both router speeds was 10-16Mb/sec
thanks for your time guys, i am new to this router stuff, so take things slowly,


All Replies

    BLUESFLOYD Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    BLUESFLOYD Posts: 1
    September 22 edited 1:14AM
    hi guys,
                i have a (ZYXEL   AMG1302-T11C Wireless N ADSL2+ Gateway router) had this router for a few weeks, now using post office broadband, my son now says that some nights when streaming movies that his TV buffers some times, i think this could be a a night when all the family are in using the internet,

    The firmware on the router is ( Current Firmware Version: V3.00(ABCG.12)T0 )  latest firmware if i am correct is  YES/NO?   (3.00(ABCG.13)C0 ) 
    is it worth installing new firmware ? 
     old router before new post office router we had no trouble with buffering, both router speeds was 10-16Mb/sec
    thanks for your time guys, i am new to this router stuff, so take things slowly,
  • Hikari
    Hikari Posts: 99  Ally Member
    First Comment
    From the FW version you mentioned V3.00(ABCG.12)T0, you are a Post Office subscriber, and this is an ISP customized FW, not a generic FW. Your FW version will be controlled by your ISP. Thus I suggest please ask with your ISP if they have FW upgrade plan. Thank you.

  • ostridge
    ostridge Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Just received from Shell Energy AMG1302-T11C with installed FW v 3.00(ABCG.13)C0 but this is before connecting and before the provider's TR069 server attacks it.

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