VMG3925-B10C Can't connect to local NTP on a PC!

Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited December 2019 in Smart Home Product

I'm using a VMG3925-B10C as a switch and have it 90% set up successfully, ie devices will connect to the internet from it.

I wanted to use a USB drive from it, and again, largely set up ok however, files are not getting dated! This is presumably because the 'router/switch' is not itself connected to the internet?

I have set up a PC as a NTP server and put that PC's IP address as the Time Server, but the 'router/switch' is not picking up the time from the PC.

  1. I can successfully Ping the PC in diagnostics.
  2. I have enabled Ports 123 for inbound/outbound in the Firewalls of both the PC and the 'router/switch'.
  3. I get the correct time from the PC running "w32tm /stripchart /computer:xxx.xxx.x.xxx /dataonly /samples:5" (though I only get it on the first sample, the others show errors.)

Does anyone have any ideas what else I can try to get the correct time set on the 'router/switch'? Is xxx.xxx.x.xxx all I should need to enter in the Time Server settings?

Grateful for any suggestions.




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  • Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Can't it get the correct date&time if you select one of the NTP server(not your local pc) shown in the list?

  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    No, I had those set up originally. When I log on to the router, I get "A problem occurred:The VMG3925-B10C cannot connect to Internet. Please check WAN settings or contact your ISP.", which I assumed was because I was using it as a 'switch'. (Internet from main router going into one of the four LAN ports)
  • Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    I know that NTP works when it is used as a router.
    If NTP doesn't work, how about try to set up the time manually.
  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Unfortunately, there's no option for that!  :-(
  • Posts: 212  Master Member
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    edited December 2019
    Not sure how you configure your NTP server in the device according your description.
    According to the user guide, it is possible to set up the NTP time server in Maintenance > Time page. Can you take a screenshot to show your settings?

  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member

  • Posts: 212  Master Member
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    Can you log in the device via Telnet and then try to ping from your device to the NTP server IP in you local network to see the result?
  • Posts: 5  Freshman Member

    Hi @Hummel Sorry for delay getting back to you. I appreciate you trying to help but I think I'm now getting out of my depth and maybe had better give up!

    I did do some reading and it talked about going into 'Turn Windows Features on or off' and enabling Telnet Client and Telnet Server.....I only seem to have Telnet Client! Anyway, I did try a telnet command and I'm getting 'Could not open connection to the host, on port xxx: Connect failed

    I guess I can live with things! I can access files on the USB drive attached to the router (switch) it just means that in File Explorer no date shows for the file and if I go into properties, it shows a date back in the 1970's! (Date that the router is set at)

    Thanks again for trying to help,



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