Zyxel NBG6615 periodic WAN disconnects issues


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,324  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @BartekR

    1.Could you provide more details about your issue?
    2.Please kindly provide your network topology.
    3. Are there any logs on it, could you share with us?
  • BartekR
    BartekR Posts: 2
    Friend Collector
    Hi @Zyxel_Jerry

    1. I have random disconnects many times a day, which last about few seconds.
    2. My topology is simple - Internet provider terminal -> Zyxel Router -> PC (cable)
    3.  I'm not really familiar with logging, but when I ping some address (for example and disconnect happens it says that it cant reach gateway's IP address
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,324  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @BartekR

    We have contacted you via private message.
    Please check your message box for further assistance.
  • krishotte
    krishotte Posts: 1
    I have similar problem, I cannot reach internet from any of my devices inside my network after some period (few hours to 2 days). Restart fixes the issue, but that is not acceptable. I am using static wan IP, dhcp on inside, I tried also to switch off the 5GHz wifi, but that did not help. I have V1.00(ABMV.4)C0 firmware. Can you give me some advice, how to solve the issue? Thanks
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @krishotte,


    Can you share some information with us;


    1-    When did this issue occur for the first time?

    How many clients are under LAN network?

    Can you provide your topology?


    2-    When the issue occurs can ethernet clients access to the internet? Can ethernet clients can ping other devices in the LAN?


    3-    Can you access to the internet using Wireless LAN 2.4G SSID and Wireless LAN 5G SSID?

    Can Wireless LAN 2.4 G SSID clients ping other devices?

    Can Wireless LAN 5G SSID clients ping other devices?


    4-    When this issue occurs, can you ping your Zyxel NBG6615?

    5- When this issue occurs, can you traceroute to www.google.com and share the output with me by private message?

    6-    When this issue occurs, please send me Maintenance > Logs menu’s output to me by private message.

  • Hi, support team
    This issue keeps happening several times a day and did bother me a lot for working/schooling from home. Nothing I could do but reboot. Please help.

    Symptom: all 
    NBG6615 clients lost both wire and wireless connection (not just WAN); unable to login to catch log file but WiFi scanner still shows wireless information
    NBG6615 and streaming box under PON device, streaming is always working even symptom is there
    NBG6615  F/W: V1.00(ABMV.4)C0

  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @Richard_Chen,


    Please draw your topology with IP addresses on it.

    When did this symptom occur for the first time?

    What is the type of your WAN connection? (PPPoE/Static IP/DHCP Client)?

    What do you mean by clients lose wired and wireless connection? When the clients lose connection, can you ping NBG6615?



    When clients lose connection, please disconnect from your network reconnect again and execute following commands and share the output with me by private message:


    ipconfig /renew

    ipconfig /all

    nslookup google.com

    tracert google.com

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,402  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    @Richard_Chen which is the status of your ethernet cables? Are you using any of 4-wire cables and/or hand-made cables?
  • Same problem. Contact me please.
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector
    Hi @ArtStrik3,

    What do you mean by same problem?

    Please describe the symptom in more details and provide topology drawing to me by private message.

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