VMG3312-B10A turns off Wi-fi randomly

hesido Posts: 1
edited March 2020 in Smart Home Product
I have no change to my network but lately VMG3312-B10A turns off the wifi at random intervals. Turning it on and off does not help, but connecting via ethernet and going in the wi-fi settings to enable wi-fi is the only solution, where you see wifi being disabled. I tried a reset and set up from the start, but it still happens. It may take from 8-10 hours to a day until the wi-fi is disabled.
Do you have an idea about why this happens?


All Replies

  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    edited March 2020
    Do you mean without any change the WiFi is disabled automatically and then you have to log in WebGUI to enable it?

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