VMG4005-B50B - CenturyLink

Bill_Stewart Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited June 2020 in Smart Home Product
I have CenturyLink VDSL2 bonded service in USA. They provided an ACTIONTEC C1900A device. The GUI of this device gives the following details:
Broadband Mode Setting: Auto Select
Broadband Mode Detected: VDSL2 Bonding - 8A
Transport Mode: PTM
Service Type: PTM-Tagged
The GUI lists "DSL1 Status" and "DSL2 Status" - each link provides 43.648/5.504 Mbps (total 87.296 Mbps/11.008 Mbps).
I use this device in "transparent bridging mode" with wireless disabled (i.e., I use it only as a modem; my wireless router does the NAT, DHCP, etc.).
I am interested in purchasing a backup VDSL2 modem in case the ACTIONTEC device fails.
Will the VMG4005-B50B device work on CenturyLink's network?
Thanks! --Bill


All Replies

  • HouliCrab
    HouliCrab Posts: 41  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Base on your spec provided, as my experience, the VMG4005 it doable in reason but we don't know any limitation in the CenturyLink network, just like mac address ...etc.
    i would like suggest to check with CenturyLink support for detail about your plan.
  • Bill_Stewart
    Bill_Stewart Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    So you are saying that the VMG4005-B50B device supports bonded 8A for VDSL2 for CenturyLink?

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