VMG8825-T50 Firewall rules not working

mtn Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited June 2020 in Smart Home Product
Firewall ACL rules do not work. Endpoint is still available. What Am I doing wrong?



  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    edited May 2020
    Can you describe it in detail? What do you mean "Endpoint is still available"?
    According to your rule, it seems like you want to block the LAN side IP to access the WAN side 13.224.67.x subnet.
    What is the real purpose for this firewall rule?
  • mtn
    mtn Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    @Hummel. I simply want to block outgoing traffic to a block of IP addresses.
  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    I ran a test to set the firewall to High without creating any rule and then I can't ping immediately.
    Instead, when I set it to Medium, I can ping correctly.
    Can you share your test steps? How do you verify that the Endpoint is still available?

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