USB SHARE VMG8823 dosen't working

Papas Posts: 1
edited June 2020 in Smart Home Product
HI, I try to share the USB Key but th route recognize th USB and the free spce but when I share the usb after to searc the path the web interface continue to remain in loading. I tried with different browser but the issue is the some.


All Replies

  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    What is the firmware version you use?
    And it is a little bit unclear for your issue description.
    Could you please tell us your test steps to clarify the issue you meet? For example, I don't understand this "but when I share the usb after to searc the path the web interface continue to remain in loading." If you can describe how you do this behavior, it will be easy to understand what is going on.

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