Routing and QoS

Sir KiKo
Sir KiKo Posts: 7  Freshman Member

I have a router VMG3925-B10C, I read the documentation for VMG routers and now I came across a chapter where everything is not completely clear.

Which interface is defined as br0?
In the Add new static route setting, there is the "Use gateway address" option; which GW will be used when this option is disabled?
Which interface is used when selecting "Use interface > Default"?
Is it necessary / recommended to turn on RIP; I use VMG router as a domestic border router for connect to internet.

Is it good to enable QoS and if so, which Upstream Traffic Priority is the recommended one: Ethernet Priority/IP Precedence/Packet Lenght? We use only music (Spotify), video streams and standard internet browsing.

Best regards,

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 970  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2020
    Hello @Sir KiKo Martin,

    I hope that you are well and have made progress.

    I think that in an ordinary domestic situation where the VMG3925-B10C is connected directly to the local telephine network then you do not need to add a static route, because the VMG3925-B10C will be the default gateway for all of the devices on your home (local area) network.

    The VMG3925-B10C will then use your Internet Service Provider as its default gateway.

    I think that you probably also do not need to use Quality of Service (QoS) controls in a domestic situation, unless something is taking all of your network capacity.

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.


  • For my upstream traffic priority, I have to choose between packet length, ethernet priority and IP precedence.

    Which is the best for online gaming?

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 970  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited June 2023

    Depends on your online game.

    If it uses short packets in real-time, then packet length will be good.

    But it depends...

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