PPP LCP Down. Reason:0 lower down

DanielDaniel Posts: 2  Freshman Member
Hi all

on my VMG1312-B10A I have  untimely disconnections...

someone can tell what means "PPP LCP Down. Reason:0 lower down" ?



  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    LCP is Link Control Protocol.
    I think it means your connection is dropped.

  • DanielDaniel
    DanielDaniel Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    yes but where can I find the error code signification.
    I think this error code must be provided by zyxel... no?
    and I totaly foget but in the logs I can see:

    12020 Oct 22 12:18:35PPPoEnoticePPPoE ACK, ifName:ppp2.1, assigned ip=xxxx gateway=xxxx nameserver=xxxxx lastConnectionError=ERROR_NONE servicename=
    2 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice PPP: ppp2.1 Connection Up.
    3 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice IPCP Opening.
    4 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice PPP LCP Up.
    5 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice Receive PADS
    6 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice Send PADR
    7 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice PADO received
    8 2020 Oct 22 12:18:35 PPPoE notice Send PADI
    9 2020 Oct 22 12:17:03 PPPoE notice PPPOE authentification failed
    10 2020 Oct 22 12:17:03 PPPoE notice PPP LCP Down. Reason:0 lower down
    11 2020 Oct 22 12:17:03 PPPoE notice PPP LCP Up.
    12 2020 Oct 22 12:17:03 PPPoE notice Receive PADS
    13 2020 Oct 22 12:17:03 PPPoE notice Send PADR
    14 2020 Oct 22 12:17:03 PPPoE notice PADO received
    15 2020 Oct 22 12:16:58 PPPoE notice Send PADI
    16 2020 Oct 22 12:15:49 PPPoE notice PPP: ppp2.1 Connection Down.
    172020 Oct 22 12:15:49PPPoEnoticePPP LCP Down. Reason:0 lower down

    why =>
    PPPOE authentification failed

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 903  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Hi @DanielDaniel

    I think that PPP LCP Reason:0 lower down is telling you that the LCP layer of the PPP protocol has been terminated, probably by the other end of the connection you are trying to make.

    I think that the root cause is indicated higher up in the log, namely PPPOE authentication failed.
        - this means that the user name and password in your router are not recognised at the other end probably by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

    I think that you need to confirm that you have the write user name and password combination set-up in your router that matches your ISP.
        - I have had this problem myself when I moved house.

    Kind regards,

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