ATP200 Content Filter

Marko75 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
Good morning,
for a few days we have been unable to access the public url of the NAS although this is inserted in the trusted sites of the ATP200 device that protects it, only from the LAN this url cannot be reached even by deactivating the Content Filter. 

Another strange thing is that from an ATP100 in another location this url is not in the whitelist but I display it correctly ...

Can anybody help me? Thank you

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  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Can I confirm the scenario that the NAS get public IP, and PC which is under ATP's Lan cannot access NAS with URL?
    If so, can you ping or access to NAS with IP address? 
  • Marko75
    Marko75 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary
    edited April 2020
    yes i ping IP on LAN and i have access on GUI, but non access pubblic IP our URL, i resolve correctly dns, tnk.

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