LTE7410 Not connecting to 4G

madcal Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited July 2018 in Smart Home Product

I just got my LTE7410.  UK Vodafone.

In the location where it is I get 3 bars on my iPhone X and 4 bars on my Audi (which also has a SIM).  So plenty of signal.

The LTE7410 is 5 metres in the air up a pole so it should have even better strength.

However, when I set it up, configure an APN with the UK vodafone settings (, no authentication, all set from their website) the 7410 will not connect.

No errors given, no signal strength shown, just a red LTE bit on the status screen and a message to check my settings.

I have been through everything, even tried the SIM in my car where again it gets 4 bars so I know the SIM works.  It has no PIN on it either.

Any ideas appreciated, otherwise this gets sent back this afternoon and I try another manufacturer.

Thank you!

All Replies

  • madcal
    madcal Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    In case this helps anyone here is what the screen says:

    LTE Boot VersionU-Boot 2012.10-svn398 (Mar 08 2016 - 09:39:01)
    LTE Firmware VersionALT3800(WKP.1)b8
    SIM Card StatusPIN DISABLE
    LTE Status
    RSSI (dBm)N/A
    RSRP (dBm)N/A
    SINR (dB)N/A
    Service ProviderN/A
    Frequency BandN/A




    Connection Uptime0 Day(s), 00:00:00
    AAAAL Posts: 125  Ally Member
    Hi madcal,

    Could you please take a screenshot of the System Info page (web GUI > Connection Status > System Info) after inserting the SIM card and booting the LTE7410 ?  Thank you. 

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