GS1200-5 changed hardware mac-address in the LAN by itself


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  • Posts: 55  Ally Member
    Hi AndyE,
    Thanks for the information. I will test it.
    And is GS1200-5 only connect two IP Phones?
    Do you encountered the problem after GS1200-5 MAC Address has changed?
  • Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Nebula Gratitude Fifth Anniversary
    Hi Teemo, 
    the GS1200-5 and the two ip-phones are allways on and connected. There is a third device (a samsung tv receiver) which is sometime active.

    After the MAC Address has changed there are no further problems identified.

  • Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    Hi AndyE,
    thanks for coming back to the main topic.

    The two GS1200-5 changed the MAC as follows:

    “B8:EC:A3:96:BF:DE“ original printed on the bottom and seen on the network. 
    Later „02:01:06:00:F7:FE“, even if there was made a firmware update and reset. 

    “B8:EC:A3:96:BF:EE“ original printed on the bottom and seen on the network. 
    Later „02:01:06:00:F7:FE“, even if there was made a firmware update and reset.

    One of the GS1200-8 has printed on the bottom the „02:01:06:00:F7:FE“ and works fine.
    I disconnected both -5 and connected one new -8. This networks works without any problem and change of MAC!

    regards Uwe

  • Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Nebula Gratitude Fifth Anniversary
    edited September 2018
    Hi Uwe,

    thanks for your reply.

    This is exactly what I have expected. All device have the same MAC after it have changed. Your devices have the same like mine.

    It seems to be a bug.

    br andy

  • Posts: 246  Zyxel Employee
    @Uwe, @AndyE,
    Thank you for reporting this information. 
    We are investigating this problem.
  • Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    @Steven: Thanks for investigation the problem.

    One correction to my reports:

    "One of the GS1200-8 has printed on the bottom the „02:01:06:00:F7:FE“ and > works fine."

    Sorry, this was my mistake. GS1200-8 changed too !!!

    The original Information on the bottom is as follows:
    B8ECA396C975, Serial Number: S174351010338
    purchased in Germany,, June 2018

  • Posts: 246  Zyxel Employee
    We have contacted you via private message. Please kindly check your message box.
  • Posts: 1
    I have this problem too

    Sticker printered:

    Sticker printered:

    MAC two device:

    Router ->GS1200-8 -> GS1200-5

    DHCP client so it does not work and always Loop detect and breaking up connections two switch
  • Posts: 246  Zyxel Employee
    In order to provide you with a better assistance, we have contacted you via private message.
    Please kindly check your message box.
  • Faced the same problem. 2 devices have a MAC 02:01:06:00:F7:FE What to do? I purchased several devices that will work on the same network. If the rest will work the same, this is a nightmare. Help me please.


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