AMG1302-T11C Disconnection Help

Soap Posts: 1
edited April 2019 in Smart Home Product
Hello everyone , I am currently in need of some help with my router or whatever it is which keeps disconnecting me from the internet for example I would be in a online game let's say FIFA but then all of a sudden my Xbox would disconnect , phone , everything connected to the internet in my house would disconnect for around about 30-60 seconds. I have seen it occur at times such as 16:00 , 21:00 and that's about it(still a pain in the butt when you have things to do on the internet for prolonged periods of time then disconnections just occur) This happens everyday and it's kinda making me p*****d off to be honest. Also it is not someone ddosing me. 

Kind Regards


All Replies

  • GuyWithABrokenRouter
    GuyWithABrokenRouter Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    i don't know if this will help, but this kept happening to me too with my netgear router. every day between 14:00 and 14:30 the internet would disconnect for a minute or two. we never figured out what was the cause, but eventualy the router died so we got a new one, where this isn't occuring. So in my case it was the router's fault.
  • SEJ
    SEJ Posts: 112  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    My suggestion is to firstly find out is it the router's issue or internet(ISP) issue.
    You can check if the DSL and Internet LED is normal or not while you can't access internet.
    If the DSL and internet LED showed you are not connecting to the internet or even didn't sync up the DSL line, it might more related to the ISP's problem or the DSL line's quality issue.
    According to your description, it seems all your devices lost internet during the issue happen.
    So, it might be the ISP or DSL line issue to make you lost your connection.
    If the DSL and internet LED were normal during the issue happen, it is more like the router's problem.
    You may try to upgrade to the latest firmware to see if the issue still exist.
    If still no improvement, you may need to find your vendor/reseller or your ISP for assistance.

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