VMG3925-B10B V.13

Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
edited June 2019 in Smart Home Product
Looks like in Wireless set up in Protection Management Frames, the Required and Capable options are transposed. I'm sure I mentioned this to support.



  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Further to the above, is anyone using PMF (Protected Management Frames). Its an option under the 'other' Tab in Wireless settings (page 135 of manual). There are three setting for this option, Disable, Capable and Required.

    Using an early Surface 2 Tablet, if the option of capable is selected which means devices that want to use PMF can do so under PMF and those that don't have PMF can still access the Wireless port. It seems that when capable is selected, it does not allow the surface 2 to connect. Selecting required, allows connection.
    Now I dont know whether the Surface 2 is using PMF and I'm assuming it isn't.
    The Surface 2 has 2.4 and 5G and both ports exhibit the same problem.

    Using a Dell Inspiron 2014 vintage which only has 2.4G, I can access the port whether Disabled, Capable or Required so with this I am assuming the Inspiron uses PMF.

    From the above I'm drawing a conclusion that the Capable and Required options on the router could be transposed as the Inspiron which uses PMF can access when any of the three settings are selected. Would anyone agree?

    Just to complicate matters, using a Galaxy A3 I can also access the 2.4G or the 5G ports when any of the settings are selected, but an early Android phone (Samsung but dont know model) which has only 2.4G could only access when Disabled or Capable was selected.

  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
  • Hikari
    Hikari Posts: 99  Ally Member
    First Comment
    edited June 2019
    Hi Flockle

    I think the main question you want to know is: does VMG3925-B10B with AAVF13C0 PMF function runs as expectation, right? I collect the wireless packet in my side, the packet content shows current FW PMF behavior matched with our expectation, the Required and Capable options are not transposed. 
    If we want to dig out further info, then the discussion will lead to if WLAN client's PMF function works property.   

    Here's the packet content:
    1. Set CPE wireless PMF as Capable: It shows Capable = Ture, Required = False.

    2. Set CPE wireless PMF as Required:  It shows Capable = Ture, Required = Ture.

  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Thanks Hikari.
    From the manual the following...
    Select Capable to encrypt management frames of wireless clients that support MFP. Clients that do not support MFP will still be allowed to join the wireless network but will remain unprotected.

    So from the above, I would expect access to be allowed when Capable is selected if the client supports MFP or not. Instead access is only allowed when Required is selected.

    What am I misunderstanding?

  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    So it seems that the Surface_2 is using PMF so now I wonder why the Surface_2 wont connect to the Wireless port when Capable is selected. My Inspiron which uses PMF connects OK whether Capable or Required is selected.

  • Hikari
    Hikari Posts: 99  Ally Member
    First Comment

    Hi Flockle

    Once a WLAN client announced it support PMF function under the capable mode, CPE will excuse the authenticate process as PMF enabled mode. The authenticate success or not depends on both sides PMF related code. According to the earlier description, other clients are OK, but only Surface 2 Tablet has the problem. I have no Surface 2 Tablet in hand, so I cannot test or do any further comment. I would need your help as:

    1.      May I ask if the tablet wireless card has updated to the latest driver version?

    2.      Please discuss with Surface 2 vendor support team why it cannot connect with the Wi-Fi SSID. While other devices have no similar question.

  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Thanks Hikari, well I too think there is an issue with Surface_2 and confirmed on search results.
    The Surface_2 is supposed to be uptodate, and we have 2 that have the same problem. The 2 Surface tablets are on autoupdate and we see them regularly updating
    On MS site, the driver update is no possibly by simply renewing the wireless driver but by normal automatic update it.

    I will investigate.

    At the moment we have Surface accessing WiFi on 5G port with Required so we are able to at least connect to then network.
  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Looks like it is a Surface driver problem and there does not seem to be an update for it, even for later Surface pro.

    I am resigned to the fact that surface can connect when PMF is set to required on the VMG so Surface must be working OK in respect of handling PMF, but the VMG wont allow the Surface to connect when Capable is set, so I guess Microsoft has to find out what else the Surface is sending to prevent the Capable setting working.

  • Flockle
    Flockle Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Oh and if you do a search on MS site, there is no mention of any problems.

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