VMG1213 access devices on LAN from WAN

Janosik Posts: 8  Freshman Member
edited November 2019 in Smart Home Product
Hi all,
I have a LAN with several devices.
One of them is a computer, running a webserver (WAMP).
Another one is a microcontroller (ESP32), running some home-automation.
Until a few weeks ago, I could acces both from anywhere (WAN-to-LAN-acces).
Then, I changed my ISP from T-com (Slovakia) to Orange (Slovakia) and my router from  TP-Link to ZyXEL (VMG1213-B30B).
Now I can only acces the devices from LAN.
I think I configured the new router exactly the same as the old one
(In NAT section: added port-forwarding to appropriate LAN-IP).
I tried changing some other settings, but nothing worked.
So I contacted  Orange (where I bought the router) to ask for help.
First, they tried to sell me a static IP-adres, which I didn't want.
Then they came up with something like 'unblocking the settings'.
Both solutions would cost me a monthly fee...
Now... my questions... :)
Besides the port-forwarding, do I need to do anything else on this router to acces LAN from WAN?
Isn't WAN-to-LAN-acces considered to be a 'basic function of a router'?
I mean... to me if feels like: "buying a TV, and then paying monthly for the remote control" ...
Thank you for your attention ;),


All Replies

  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    edited November 2019
    Is the model name VMG1312-B30B? What is the firmware version you use now?
    Can you share your not working configurations?
    From your description, I think you are using dynamic WAN IP address from your ISP.
    How did you access your local devices from WAN before(via IP or a domain name address)? Do you use any DDNS service?
  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    edited November 2019
    Hi hummel,
    The model is indeed: VMG1213-B30B.
    Firmware: 1.00(AAVU.4)b4
    What configuration do you want to see? At this moment I have reset the modem to factory, and connected back to internet, so it is "standard clean".
    I am indeed using dynamic WAN IPfrom my ISP.
    At first, I accessed the devices from an other computer in my LAN, but I could also acces them from ANY other computer (at my neighbor's or brother or on vacation or ...). In both cases, I would open a web-browser and enter my router's WAN IPv4.
    A bit later I found a free DDNS server, so I used that.
    Screen-shot of the router's status:
    (I noticed Ethernet WAN is disabled; also: there is no IPv4 under WAN information)
  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    edited November 2019
  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    edited November 2019
    It looks like your ISP only assigns IPv6 IP address to your device.
    Maybe it is a clue for the problem you meet.
    Have you bind your IPv6 IP address with your free DDNS server?
    Do you think it is possible to ask for a IPv4 WAN IP address from your ISP for a test?
  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    edited November 2019
    Indeed I think I only got IPv6 from ISP for my router...  :/
    When I contacted them, they told me that there were no more (free) dynamic IPv4 available.
    They could only SELL me a static IPv4 !!!
    I think that is very strange...
    Now... just to be sure: if the above is correct (only IPv6), then there is nothing I can do in the router configuration to solve this problem?

    EDIT: I just had a look at my free ddns (noip.com), and it seems like it only works with IPv4.
  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    Do your LAN clients get IPv6 IP address? If so, maybe you don't need the port forwarding function.
    If so, you only need to let traffic from the outside world (the internet) pass through the CPE's firewall to a specific device on your home network.
  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 8  Freshman Member
    The web-server is a desktop which indeed has it's own IPv6,  but I don't know how to access it either with or without port-forwarding.
    The home-automation micro-controller is a little arduino-like board (ESP32) that doesn't seem to have an IPv6.
    What do you mean by: "pass through the CPE's firewall"? How do I do that?

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