Adding an address to a group

jonatan Posts: 192  Master Member
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
Hi have a device of ZyXEL Zywall 310 firmware 430AAAB0ITS-WK10-r82493. Added a group of addresses that is used in Policy Routing. If you try to add host addresses to this group, you receive an error.

If the address group is not used anywhere else, then the host addresses are added to it.


  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    I have V4.30(AAAA.0)ITS-2018-01-09-180100142D and don't have this issue so maybe it be fixed next release?  

  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    I tested it locally with firmware WK10 and the issue does not happen.
    If possible, please private message issue configuration to me for checking and explain the steps to cause this issue accurately.
  • warwickt
    warwickt Posts: 111  Ally Member
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    Hi Jonatan, you may enable DEBUG in the syslog logs in the USG appliance's logging . We log these to external syslog servers (Unix, MacOS or Linux) . This is straightforward to configure.

    If you have a normally bust USG device, these logs are quickly wrapped around and purges in the USG itself. Thus external logging is very handy to have.

    Within these DEBUG logs you should be able to gather ore information for the 43040 error...

    See of these messages can be quite verbose.

    I'd be curious what this error resolution is. Please post for others to see.

    Hong Kong 
  • jonatan
    jonatan Posts: 192  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hello, this error has appeared more.I suspect its cause was an error in the configuration of my device (in the crypto map vpn settings) when preloading the gateway constantly refused on last good configuration partially as I think applying the configuration. The configuration was corrected, no more problems were observed.