Zyxel P-870HN-53b forgot admin password

Leuko Posts: 2  Freshman Member
I have problem with Zyxel P-870HN-53b, whtch I have set a port forwarding  QoS etc.
Previous network administrator set a password but he not tell me.

Firmware maybe : V1.12(AAEZ.0)

Can you give me a assistant please?

Thank you

All Replies

  • Emerald Dragon
    Emerald Dragon Posts: 120  Ally Member
    First Comment Fourth Anniversary
    You are the owner of the Zyxel P-870HN-53b, right? And you have the device on hand with you, right? If yes, all you have to do is do a hard reset to your Zyxel P-870HN-53b and your admin password will go back to the default password.
  • Leuko
    Leuko Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    uhmmm... It wil be a problem. I dont know, wchit ports are set on router, port forwarding etc.

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