VMG8825-T50 - Parental controls not working

mtn Posts: 5  Freshman Member
edited June 2020 in Smart Home Product
The following simply does not work. The device is still connected to the internet despite this setup. How do I fix this? I've also tried if from the Security menu option, also not working.




  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    Have you checked the router's time first? Is the current time setting of the router correct?
  • mtn
    mtn Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    @Hummel - It's correct
  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    What is the firmware version you are using now?
  • mtn
    mtn Posts: 5  Freshman Member
  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    edited May 2020
    Looks like not the same firmware in my VMG8825-T50K.
    The firmware version of mine is ABOM not ABPY and the WebGUI is also a little bit different. Is the model name of your router called VMG8825-T50K? Looks like your are using a customized firmware. My suggestion is to get your ISP's support for it.
    I have tested it with my VMG8825-T50K and I don't met the problem. The parental control rule work correctly.

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