
Martin Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited February 2018 in Smart Home Product
Hello all,

I am using PLA5212 some years without problem. Now very frequent outages and I must restart device (unplug/plug). Regarding my electricity topology I did not make a change in my house. where there may be a problem? I am on end of life of device?

Thank you


All Replies

  • Ijnrsi
    Ijnrsi Posts: 254  Master Member
    Try reset it and pair them again or test them on other environment to check.
    If the problem is still exist, that I think as you mentioned, the device started sold since 2013 or 2014, maybe the device is already in the end of life. 
  • HMMZ
    HMMZ Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    Hi Martin,

    I had the same symptoms with PLA4215. Plug/unplug will fix it for a while until one day it didn't fix it. Strange, after a while two other adapters failed the same way. If yours it is out of warranty I suggest to open it and check the electrolytic capacitors. They might have reached their end of life which not necessarily should be the end of life of the power line adapter. If the top of the electrolytic capacitor it rounded up that capacitor has good chances to not be anymore within its manufacturing parameters.

    Here it is a picture of  PLA4215:

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