WiFi issues with AX7501-B0

ne10g Posts: 3  Freshman Member
Hi All

Just thought I would pop a thread on here about issues I am facing with the Zyxel AX7501-B0 device.  Two fold:

1) WAN speeds are not as fast as my other routers (this is infrequent - so not a huge issue...yet)

2) WiFi speeds - REALLY bad upload speeds, on all bands and channels, tested on multiple devices to be sure.

Currently Zyxel support are investigating this - I have sent them speed test results from multiple locations, showing wifi and LAN speed tests. Also my routers config file.  It is now with "HQ" to investigate.

Does anyone else have this router and have similar issues?  or indeed, does anyone else have this router and NOT have issues with WiFi?


  • ne10g
    ne10g Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Still no further forward, other than being told HQ are looking at it.

    Really regret this purchase, it was my first Zyxel product and it will absolutely be my last!
  • ne10g
    ne10g Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Hi - just to update - Zyxel are REFUSING to support THEIR product.

    Even though they are the manufacturer of the product, they are REFUSING to support it.

    If anyone else is thinking of buying anything from this company DO NOT.  
  • Hummel
    Hummel Posts: 212  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    I think for WiFi issue, there are many things which can affect the performance in the environment. If you can try to narrow down the possible reasons and report it to Zyxel with replicate steps, I believe it will be useful.
    How do you report your problem to Zyxel?
  • cedric
    cedric Posts: 1
    same issues here, total drop of wifi in 5GHZ first then in 2.4Ghz

    forced to reboot. 5 times already in 2 weeks

    Currently fighting with support to get the latest stable AND SECURE firmware...
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi all,

    Firmware version 5.15(ABPC.1)C0 for AX7501-B0 is available for download at https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/360019108619-Zyxel-security-advisory-for-DNSpooq

    Kind regards,

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