Did ZyXEL quit VDSL2 residential modem/routers business ?

sirivanhoe Posts: 18  Freshman Member
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edited March 2021 in Smart Home Product

I'm having some hard time trying to find a ZyXEL VDSL2 modem to be used in a short future when I'll finally get fibre at home. I mean, a product I can see listed in the current catalog and also that can be found in the support portal for recent publicly available firmware downloads (that means, currently actively maintained as well). Did ZyXEL quit this business ?

I currently own and run a Draytek Vigor ADSL2 that I'm quite satisfied about so far, but I can see the current line of Draytek's VDSL2 offering is actually based on older firmware (my one) so it seems they're not betting on that anymore too. I previously had a ZyXEL VMG3925 B10B which was satisfying for me too, but ZyXEL dropped support for it quite some time ago. 

I'd rather stick with such business-class brands like ZyXEL if not for their full-fledged firewall configurability, instead of the various TpLink, D-Link and the like (in their consumer mainstream products).

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
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    edited March 2021

    I do not work for Zyxel, but Zyxel make a lot of VDSL2 compatible products, see https://service-provider.zyxel.com/emea/en/products/dsl-cpes for examples.

    They rearranged their online forums so that homeforum.zyxel.com redirects here. I assume that it was for ease of providing to support to all their users including home users, like me.

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,

  • sirivanhoe
    sirivanhoe Posts: 18  Freshman Member
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    Hi Tony,

    thanks for the feedback. Yes, I did see those products too in the catalog, but if you look further you'll notice that for the newer ones (the AX line) there's not even a data sheet nor a detailed specs page, and you can't find them (or, well, I couldn't find them) in the support pages to check whether any firmware or document has been released for them, which hinders any purchase consideration. Could you find differently ?
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
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    edited March 2021

    You are welcome. I see that too.

    Perhaps Zyxel have changed their go to market approach to an indirect channel model through service providers or selling to businesses...

    But there is also information at Zyxel Networks on their AX routers including datasheets at https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en/products_services/home-home_routers.shtml?t=c

    Kind regards,

  • sirivanhoe
    sirivanhoe Posts: 18  Freshman Member
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    edited March 2021
    Yes, that's my hypothesis too. And that's very unfortunate from my perspective as I won't have access to those channels (or if I could, it would most probably be more expensive and awkward in terms of maintenance. It's unfortunate also since ZyXEL is a brand I trust (and use, as I also own an USG60 and a managed switch at home), and cutting off both ZyXEL and Draytek in a shot for the modem choice limits severely my options.

    Thanks again for your feedback Tony

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