WLAN AP surveillance by alert log?

USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited May 2024 in Wireless
From time to time (once or twice per month) we experience a WLAN/AP failure. But the administrator get notice of it only when a user is notifying him that he cannot connect. In that case we have to manually reboot the AP (we've got only 1 AP connected and operated by USG110) and all is fine again. We are aware of the opportunity to regularly reboot the AP by a zysh script. But this is not our intention as far as the failures occur so rarely.
But is it possible to get an alert log notification in case the AP is getting off? May be I have to activate the "WLAN Monitor Mode" in log category settings? or what does the WLAN Monitor Mode mean?

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @USG_User


    Although the event seems rarely happen in your environment but user will have poor wireless experience at the moment.

    The diagnostic file includes the configurations information and device’s situation for us to investigate.

    It will be helpful if you could provide the timestmap of event with the device's mac address and help to collect both Controller and AP's diaginfo before reboot, the path is:



    Before that, can you tell us the firmware information of USG and AP?

    We’ll check the known issue or available firmware with enhancement on connection for your reference.

    Thank you.





  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
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    Hi Bella,
    Thanks for your reply.
    FW of our USG110: v4.65 AAPH.1 ITS-WK-32-2021-09-29-210901248
    FW of the AP WAC6103D-I:  v6.25 Patch 1 (v6.25 AAXH.0)

    Wea re aware of a newer USG firmware v4.70 which is already downloaded. But didn't find a gap in our production environment for rebooting the USG until now.

    Let me know if I should provide the diagnostic data right now (after the AP has been rebooted yesterday, but the USG not) or on next failure event only.

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers

    Hi @USG_User


    In your first post, you mentioned about the requirement of alert log when AP failure and user cannot connect. From the description, the symptom is not the invisible of SSID or AP is offline on USG. But somehow the all/specific users can’t connect to SSID and use wireless network, please correct me if any misunderstanding.


    Because Monitor Mode is to set up AP as a monitor device for detecting rogue APs not for alerting wireless connection event. We have to check the event first then provide the proper solutions for you. If not bother you much, collect in current normal running status for us to have a look. And collect again if event happens before reboot for comparison.


    Thank you




  • USG_User
    USG_User Posts: 387  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hi Bella,
    We will do so, no problem. I will collect AP's diagnostic data right now and save it until the event re-occurs. Then I try to collect it again and provide you with both.
