Nebula NR7101 - choosing SIM activation, priority, force 4G/5G connection

GiuseppeR Posts: 167  Master Member
Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
Good evening everybody,
as I wrote in the subject I would like to know if there are some options that I cannot find in the mobile routers linkable to Nebula CC.
I made some tests with a Nebula NR7101 and I found that in certain circumstances 4G connection is better than 5G connection.
I placed also both SIMs in the available slots (different TLC operators), but I have issues configuring the secondary slot if the first slot has a SIM running inside.

1- is it possible to force 4G or 5G usage on the SIMs ?
2- is it possible to use a standard on SIM1 (like 4G) and a different standard on the SIM2 (like 5G)?
3- is it possible to use both SIMs at the same time?
4- is it possible to remotely launch a speedtest?

Waiting for a response, thanks in advance.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,219  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Hi there,

    1.     It is possible to force 4G or 5G usage on the SIMs by going to Broadband > Cellular Band > Access Technology

    It takes time to apply the preferred access technology, so please wait for several minutes. To check the result after applying the access technology, go to Home >> Cellular Info >> click to the icon on the bottom right corner.

    Service Information >> Access Technology shows LTE means 4G.

    Service Information >> Access Technology shows NR-NSA means 5G.

    Please make a test with a Nebula NR7101 after you make sure there is 4G or 5G connection.

    2.     To make sure the synchronous system, we use the same standard (4G or 5G) on SIM1 and SIM2. The way to choose preferred Access Technology as the image on the 1st issue.


    3.     To ensure that there is no conflict, it is not allow to use both SIMs at the same time. However, in the next firmware version, you can choose Preferred SIM slot as Auto and enable Switch when Detach to switch to another SIM slot when current SIM cannot attach successfully.


    4.     We provide the Speed test option at Maintenance > Diagnostic > Speed Test. In case to remotely launch a speedtest, please tell us more detail about that.

    Share yours now!


  • GiuseppeR
    GiuseppeR Posts: 167  Master Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    I tried to find these menus but only saw the second pic you posted on the web interface I reached: nothing there about broadband and/or diagnostic.
    Are you sure they are available also on the Nebula NR7101?
    Or they are related only to the NR7101?

    Are these options available only connecting on premise or is it possible to get them also via Nebula console to manage the company remotely without going on the field?
    I mean when I have to look for something on the web interface of the mobile router is it necessary to link to it directly via RJ45 cable or can I use the Nebula web interface to have a direct connection also if I'm in a remote office?

    I have both my Nebula NR7101 on two different companies, as soon as possible I could test them looking for these screenshots.

    See you soon. Thanks.

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,219  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    GiuseppeR said:
    I tried to find these menus but only saw the second pic you posted on the web interface I reached: nothing there about broadband and/or diagnostic.
    Are you sure they are available also on the Nebula NR7101?
    Or they are related only to the NR7101?

    Are these options available only connecting on premise or is it possible to get them also via Nebula console to manage the company remotely without going on the field?
    I mean when I have to look for something on the web interface of the mobile router is it necessary to link to it directly via RJ45 cable or can I use the Nebula web interface to have a direct connection also if I'm in a remote office?

    I have both my Nebula NR7101 on two different companies, as soon as possible I could test them looking for these screenshots.

    See you soon. Thanks.

    Hi there

    Have you used the latest firmware as 1.15(ACCC.0)C0 for Nebula NR7101?

    Broadband and diagnostic menu are available also on the Nebula NR7101 and NR7101 as well. You can click on the setting icon at the top right corner.

    To find the Broadband menu, just go to Network Setting.

    To find the Diagnostic menu, please go to Maintenance.

    We support some Live tools on Nebula, so you can go to Nebula web interface >> Mobile router >> Live tools and choose the function you want to check or click Remote configuration and Establish to have a direct connection to check or configure your Mobile router.

    Share yours now!


  • GiuseppeR
    GiuseppeR Posts: 167  Master Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Have you used the latest firmware as 1.15(ACCC.0)C0 for Nebula NR7101?
    Yes I did and now I see that there is also an upcoming update.
    I confirm that menus (for config 4G/5G, lock frequencies et similia) are still usable also on Nebula NR7101 product versions.

    We support some Live tools on Nebula, so you can go to Nebula web interface >> Mobile router >> Live tools and choose the function you want to check or click Remote configuration and Establish to have a direct connection to check or configure your Mobile router.

    I'll update this thread regarding live tools after the scheduled update.

    Have a nice day.

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