FttP only getting 80Mbps download for 250/25 link - Zyxel ZyWall USG100 Plus

AWUSupport Posts: 43  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited December 2022 in Security
We have an identical issue as this post 2 years ago, "Problem - Zyxel USG-100 PLUS - FTTH Fiber Limit to 100 mbit/s": https://community.zyxel.com/en/discussion/3434/problem-zyxel-usg-100-plus-ftth-fiber-limit-to-100-mbit-s/p1

Just had a customer upgrade to a Fibre to the Premises (FttP) connection - 250Mbps download/25Mbps upload plan using PPPoE connection. If we connect the ethernet port notebook directly to the FttP, then we get full upload and download speeds. 

However if we connect the Zyxel ZyWall USG100 Plus (latest firmware), we obtain full upload speeds but only 80Mbps on download. We have BWM, ADP, Content Filter, etc all currently disabled. WAN1 shows 1000M/Full connection as does LAN1 so can rule out auto-negotiating at 100 or lower - see screenshots below.

With this particular Zyxel model should we be able to reach closer to 250Mbps. And if so how do we troubleshoot? Older post quoted doesn't appear to have an definitive answer - although last post suggested only 30Mb/s throughput.


All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,577  Guru Member
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    The 1Gb link speed does not mean the USG can handle that speed also that model is EOL some years back.

    But try the following

    TIP for getting faster throughput on USG/VPN/Zywall — Zyxel Community

  • AWUSupport
    AWUSupport Posts: 43  Freshman Member
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    edited December 2022
    PeterUK said:

    The 1Gb link speed does not mean the USG can handle that speed also that model is EOL some years back.

    But try the following

    TIP for getting faster throughput on USG/VPN/Zywall — Zyxel Community

    Hi Peter,

    Yes re: 1Gb interface speed, however just wanted to show in this thread that the actual interface speed was full speed (1000FD) and hadn't negotiated back down to 100. Previous post highlighted that as a possible cause and should be ruled out, which is fair enough.

    And even though EOL, I can't find anywhere stating this model of USG cannot handle a higher speed than what we are currently achieving.

    Just looked at the link you sent re: faster throughput and unchecked Collect Statistics for Data Collection. Now seeing download speed of 110Mbps, so approx. 31-32% improvement for this 250Mbps internet link - so about half of the link speed.

    Any other tips, tricks, tuning, etc to try with this device?

  • zyman2008
    zyman2008 Posts: 224  Master Member
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    Try to disable Traffic Statistics, BWM, ADP function,  might help to get a little improve. 

  • AWUSupport
    AWUSupport Posts: 43  Freshman Member
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    zyman2008 said:
    Try to disable Traffic Statistics, BWM, ADP function,  might help to get a little improve. 

    All disabled already ... you would think we would see better than 110Mbps for a 250Mbbps connection through the ZyWall. 
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,577  Guru Member
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    edited December 2022

    Its a complicated problem if your ISP can send packets fast back to back on the 1Gb that the USG can handle at a time. The problem if a switch could do such a thing is add a gap between each packet as it egress out to the USG in theory this should improve performance. As it is the USG is receiving a burst then handles what it can which delays TCP asking for more within 1000ms.

    So the only way is a faster Zywall model.

    Home routers are faster as they have a hardware acceleration for NAT
  • AWUSupport
    AWUSupport Posts: 43  Freshman Member
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    PeterUK said:

    Its a complicated problem if your ISP can send packets fast back to back on the 1Gb that the USG can handle at a time. The problem if a switch could do such a thing is add a gap between each packet as it egress out to the USG in theory this should improve performance. As it is the USG is receiving a burst then handles what it can which delays TCP asking for more within 1000ms.

    So the only way is a faster Zywall model.

    Home routers are faster as they have a hardware acceleration for NAT
    Still think this EOL model should be able handle better than what we are seeing - surely it must have been designed to handle larger WAN throughput than 100Mbps or why bother providing a Gigabit port for WAN. And yes I know Gigabit port doesn't means it can achieve Gigabit throughput from internet provider.

    CPU usage sitting at 5% max during any speedtest or large test download we run, so barely ticking over. Would like to see official specs or likes saying definitively no improvement to be had, I better dig deeper or maybe an official from Zyxel will see then and post.

    SPI Firewall Throughput: 600 Mbps ... hmmm

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,577  Guru Member
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    edited December 2022

    The SPI is UDP not TCP and likely designed with back to back packets ns gap for the best performance stats.

    Also not sure how many CPU cores is on USG100 plus but a download with more threads can improve speed.  

    My Zywall 110 has a 1600Mb SPI but TCP real world is about 600Mb.

    Its likely why Zyxel has not made 10Gb ports models yet.

  • AWUSupport
    AWUSupport Posts: 43  Freshman Member
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    Hi Peter,

    Re the TIP you posted: Go to monitor > system status > traffic statistics and uncheck and apply collect statistics. Your speed will be 35-40% faster. 

    This uncheck seems to only hold until the Daily Report is sent and then reverts back to checked again. Do you know how to permanently unchecked collecting traffic statistics?

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,577  Guru Member
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    Would seem to be a bug I known it does it after a reboot too but not on a scheduled report.

  • Zyxel_Cooldia
    Zyxel_Cooldia Posts: 1,518  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @AWUSupport,
    Please disable "Reset counters after sending report successfully" in daily report setting.
    It will auto tick if reset counter is enable in daily report.

    CONFIGURATION > Log & Report  > Email Daily Report.