USGFLEX100 blocking URLs - unable to disable Security Service

Radial Posts: 11  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

Hi there,

I have a USGFLEX100 on which I was trialing one of the upgrades. I think it was the Gold pack or something. That has now expired.

While testing that out, I had policies enabled in the Security Service section of Nebular.

Now that has expired, some URLs are still being blocked and the Security Policies still show as switched on, but I can't turn them off because I am repeatedly presented with a paywall to upgrade.

I have tested some of the URL's via 4G and can confirm they are live and working, so it must be the USG that is blocking them. I also experienced this kind of thing before while in the trial and its one of the reasons I decided not to continue with it.

Can anyone help me disable this filtering?

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