PLA5456 connection problem

I have previously had them working but recently one has been unplugged for several months.

My computer is a Mac and for the purpose of initially linking them, I have them on the same powerstrip.

#1 PLA has an active ethernet cable plugged in and the router 'sees' it. Its power and ethernet LEDs are a steady green.

#2 PLA is plugged in and the power LED is steady green.

When I depress the RESET/ENCRYPT button on #1 for about 2sec followed by depressing the RESET/ENCRYPT button on #2 for 2sec, the HomePlug LED on both blink for about 30sec, then both turn off. #1 still registers steady power and ethernet green LEDs, but #2 only has a flashing power LED - probably indicating it's in Standby Mode.

What am I doing wrong?

Accepted Solution

  • Bruce_Herrmann
    Bruce_Herrmann Posts: 3
    First Comment
    Answer ✓

    Ok, I did a simple connection without pressing the encrypt button and it works.

    Thanks for the help, (and I should have tried this first).

All Replies

  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    If both devices are in the same pack. As I remember the PLA5456 does not need to pair to the other device after reset, they'll pair to each other.

  • Bruce_Herrmann
    Bruce_Herrmann Posts: 3
    First Comment
    Answer ✓

    Ok, I did a simple connection without pressing the encrypt button and it works.

    Thanks for the help, (and I should have tried this first).

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