ZyWall freezes. Only a power restart helps

TeddyRipper Posts: 5
First Comment Friend Collector
edited June 2023 in Security
Hello. I have a ZyXel ZyWall 110 installed, it has been working for several years without problems. Suddenly it started to freeze, at the moment of freezing the local network, the Internet stops working (sometimes the RDP connection does not break). If I disconnect the network cable, the indication on the port remains (the orange indicator is on without blinking). Only restarting the device by power helps. The problem recurs 2 or 3 times a day with an interval of 5-7 hours.
I checked the local network and PC, this is not the source of the problem.
Firmware Version V4.62(AAAA.0)
Please advise what can be done in this situation.

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