AX7501-B0 WPS can't be disabled

Tibor_77 Posts: 2
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited May 2021 in Smart Home Product
Basically I would like to hide my SSID, but for this the WPS shall be switched off. On the respective page the switch is grayed out, can't be switched off. In the manual it is mentioned the switch is grayed out when the wifi is OFF, but my wifi is ON, so I am stucked.
Any idea how can I manage to hide SSID in this case or what could cause this glitch?

Also for this model can't find any firmware avaiable, a link to the latest one would be great

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 941  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Hello @Tibor_77

    Section 7.5 of the AX7501-B0 user guide available at in /AX7501-B0/user_guide expplains how to disable WPS.

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,

  • That wasn't actually that helpful.

    If you try to hide the SSID of the network, there is a message "Hide SSID does not support WPS 2.0. You should disable WPS in WPS page."
    On the WPS Page, the WPS switch is grayed out and it is not possible to disable it.

    I thinkt that was to problem of the original post and it has not changed since.

    If I understand correctly, it is not possible for SSID1 to hide the SSID, only for guest wifi?

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 941  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    Hello @heavyjoe

    Welcome to the forum.

    Can you please say what version of firmware you have in your AX7501-B0 ?

    It might be that there is a difference with newer firmware…

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    Thanks for taking the time responding my old question.

    Since I was not happy with the router, including performance issues as well, i have asked my provider to replace it. Since more than a year now i have a different brand and type, so can't comment this issue anymore.


  • Funnily enough, I didn't really expect an answer here anymore. It was just the only post somewhere, after long google search, which was appropriate to the problem.
    Thanks for the answers either way.

    My firmware is: V5.17(ABPC.2.1)D0

    If there was a solution to disable the WPS toggle and thus hide the SSID among other things that would be great. I primarily wanted to write supplemental information in case others have similar question.


  • ilyvion
    ilyvion Posts: 1
    First Comment

    For anyone else coming here and wanting a solution, one thing they don't mention is that you can't turn off WPS if "MPro Mesh" is turned on. Once I turned that off, I gained the ability to turn off WPS. As far as I can tell, this wasn't documented anywhere, though.

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