Current Version of SecuExtender for Mac not supported on MacOS 14 Sonoma.


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  • William_70
    William_70 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    edited October 2023

    Don't know why ZyXEL hasn't tackled this earlier. They could have tested it earlier in the macOS Sonoma beta's and make SecuExtender compatible with it before the def version came out. But at least they could have said anything about the progress on their website…. So I've contacted ZyXEL Support om 27 Sep. So somewhere around mid-October ;) Better late than never!

    Bayardo Sxxxxxxo (Zyxel Support Campus EMEA) 

    Sep 27, 2023, 12:07 GMT+2 

    Hi Behher,
    Unfortunately there's no version of the software yet available. It takes around 2 weeks to have it available on our website. Please do have a look by mid-October and if you still do not find it, contact us back.
    Many thanks!

    Kind Regards,
    Bayardo Sxxxxxxo

  • AndreuE1999
    AndreuE1999 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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    I feel very disappointed with Zyxel, because first they make you buy a license for Mac computers (It should be free) and they do not support paid software... Its last update was in 2022

  • Zyxel_James
    Zyxel_James Posts: 664  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers

    Hello @AndreuE1999 @ldubrois @Aymeric @AnGr1985 @dev88888888

    We understand your frustration with the absence of SecuExtender on macOS 14. Currently, we're actively working on it, and I will let you know as soon as we have a schedule regarding the support for macOS 14.

  • ldubrois
    ldubrois Posts: 9  Freshman Member
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    Thanks for your message @Zyxel_James , but frustration is an understatement.

    The Sonoma Beta was release on the 5th of june, Release the 26th of September.

    I launched the update of the Mac 10 days after the official release ; not a second I could imagine that a well known company like Zyxel will wot have a working solution at this time (and that we will be block and not able to do our work).

  • This needs to be fixed now! When paying for the product for our mac users we expect this to be taken care of before the relase of the new OS, or at least within a few days of the release. We are now not able to do our work because of this.

  • AnGr1985
    AnGr1985 Posts: 9  Freshman Member
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    So I don't understand how a company like this can't do something like this at least a week after it's been published. Apple has made the developer version available since June. The problem had been known since then and could have been fixed. you sit here and can't work. Small manufacturers have already managed to adapt their programs before the release. @Zyxel_James

  • ldubrois
    ldubrois Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    I think, they just don't care of this product for Mac.

    They made it paid for on Mac while it's free on Windows, the support is lousy; perhaps to discourage us from using it and move on to something else

  • Alex_91
    Alex_91 Posts: 27  Freshman Member
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    edited October 2023

    but am I wrong or is it possible to install and configure L2TP on the MacOS X Sonoma 14?