LTE7490 MTU setting missing


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  • June6
    June6 Posts: 12
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited November 2023

    Thank you, it's still a bit weird that MTU as low as 1277 is required for proper image loading on &

    I tried "mturoute -t" command (free tool) to the image server (after putting client MTU back to the default 1500) where fragmentation happens (if MTU is over 1277), and it says 1464:

    mturoute to, 30 hops max, variable sized packets

    • ICMP Fragmentation is not permitted. *
    • Speed optimization is enabled. *
    • Maximum payload is 10000 bytes. *
      1 +- host: max: 1500 bytes
      (steps between 2 and 14 omitted, either not reaching or 1464 bytes)
      15 +- host: (image servers on max: 1464 bytes

    I guess for my PC→image server direction 1464 MTU works while for the opposite direction client MTU must be for some reason exceptionally low, 1277 ?

    Attached are wireshark screenshots when MTU is set to 1277 and the images load properly:

    So in conclusion:

    Client MTU 1277: IPv4 packet total length 1277, TCP, no fragmentation, images load properly

    Client MTU 1278-1500: IPv4 packet total length 1420, QUIC, fragmentation, images load very poorly

    EDIT: OK! I've confirmed the issue is with my ISP: if MTU is over 1277, QUIC which uses UDP is enabled and my ISP doesn't seem to route it properly.

    I tested 2 other ISPs (these are also mobile subscriptions) and with the default client (Windows network adapter) MTU of 1500, everything works great: images load properly, QUIC is enabled with no IPv4 fragmentation and IPv4 packet length is 1480:

  • Kip
    Kip Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary


    Millä operaattorilla vikaa esiintyy? Itselläni on sama LTE7490 sekä Elisan liittymä, ja IS kuvat toimivat (iPad app), mutta Gmailin viestit ei lataudu iPadin mail-sovelluksella joka kerta. MTU pienennys ZenWifin asetuksista näyttää korjanneen ongelman.

    Sorry for writing in Finnish, I don't know English very well.

  • June6
    June6 Posts: 12
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    DNA & Moi has this issue (reported, hope they'll get it fixed), Elisa & Telia are free of this problem.

    Therefore your problem has a different cause.

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