ZYXEL C3000z - Access Schedule Blocks in/out Video Screen Sharing on MS Teams and WebEx Mac

kyz Posts: 2
First Comment
edited November 2023 in Home Router

I have experienced this problem for 1+ year. When I add devices to Access Scheduler, the wifi modem blocks screen sharing on WebEx and MS Teams Mac on my Mac. Note:

  • My impacted Mac(s) are not listed in Access Scheduler
  • Removing all devices from Access Scheduler will restore screen sharing
  • I can't see shared file or meeting attendant video cam. Same for me as well, they can't see my shared files or see my video cam
  • All I see is white space instead of videos or shared content.
  • CenturyLink troubleshooted the issue. They said it is the device firmware
  • Device firmware is up to date.

Device: ZYXEL C3000z
Firmware: CZD005-

All Replies

  • Dear Sir / Madam

    Please contact your vendor to have their support on the issue.

    Thank you,

    Kind Regards,

    Ken Wong

    Technical Support Engineer

    Technical Support Department I

    ZyXEL Communications Corp.

  • kyz
    kyz Posts: 2
    First Comment
    edited November 2023


    I stated that the vendor (centurylink) troubleshooted the issue and pointed to ZYXL firmware. Can you please help?

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