Disable WPS on VMG8825-B50B

TOFU Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited October 2018 in Smart Home Product

I would disebale the SSID visibility, but to do this on VMG8825-B50B, I have to disable the WPS first.

From the WPS menu I cannot disable the the WPS with the dedicated radio button, it is not configurable.

Anynone know this issue?

I have to do other configuration first?

thanks in advance

All Replies

    AAAAL Posts: 125  Ally Member

    Hi TOFU,

    May I know what’s your firmware version?

    You cannot find the WPS page to disable or press the disable button failed?

  • I had similar issue with my VMG3925-B10B (V5.13(AAVF.13)C0). Disabling WPS was failing with  "Setting not successful. Please try again" message and I was unable to enable SSID hiding. If I tried to disable the "Method 1 PBC", it said I should disable SSID hiding first, although I really did not have SSID hidden.

    However, this was the case just with the 5GHz band. With 2.4GHz band the WPS was already disabled and hiding SSID from the General page was possible. I noticed that when you switch from 2.4GHz->5GHz there is a tiny moment it takes for the page to render and gray out the "Hide SSID" option. I was able to exploit this glitch by highlighting the 5GHz option from the dropdown menu, hitting Enter and right after clicking the "Hide SSID". Effectively, this enabled me to toggle the grayed out option and then I was able to disable WPS as well.
  • Had the same problem on the EX3300-T0 after switching off MESH (Network setting→Wireless→MESH) i could individually switch off the WPS for the 2,4 and for the 5GHz band and then check the checkbox on the "hide SSID" setting. You have to always hit apply after every step so it takes super long.

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