VMG3625-T50B wireless AP schedule

templeos Posts: 2
First Comment
edited March 2024 in Home Router

Is there a way to enable disable wlan aps on a time based schedule? I need it to automatically turn off at some time of day. It doesnt exist in web interface, maybe through telnet ssh? im kind of hopeful since KEENETIC devices have such option.

device: https://www.zyxel.com/global/en/support/download?model=vmg3625-t50b

also unrelated but when you change operation mode to access point it doesnt work.

ZySH> cfg
call_history call_summary cellular ddns dns dns_route email_ntfy
ethctl ethwanlan firewall firewall_acl firewall_proto igmp_mld intf_group
ipalias lan lanadv lanhosts logset macfilter media_server
mgmt_srv nat nat_addr_map nat_conf nat_trigger one_connect paren_ctl
phone policy_route port_mirror qos qos_class qos_policer qos_queue
qos_shaper region rip scheduler sip_account sip_sp snmp
sp_mgmt_srv sp_trust_domain speeddial static_dhcp static_route sys_log time
tr69 trust_domain usb_filesharing usb_info user_account vlan_group wan
wan_adv wifi_easy_mesh wifi_macfilter wifi_others wlan wlan_sch_access wlan_scheduler
wmm wps

All Replies

  • Liba
    Liba Posts: 193  Master Member
    First Comment First Answer Second Anniversary

    It seems like this can't be done.

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