DX3301-T0 Can't detect DSL connection after upgrade firmware.
I bought the router in 2022. How many months is the warranty? Yesterday, after flashing the router to the latest ABVY.4 firmware, the connection was lost.
Rollback to the old firmware did not work. The Internet light (DSL) does not light up at all.
All Replies
Maybe you should ask your ISP or retail store about warranty and DSL disconnects.
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With old router internet still working.
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Do you have a VDSL connection and may be it is the German Version Annex B ?
If you have VDSL connection first control if profile "VDSL over PTM " is activated then try this :
I cleaned up the WAN/broadband section: I deleted the profile "ADSL over ATM" and deactivated all "DSL modulation" options in the advanced section exept VDSL2 . It works as a "VDSL2 only" Modem now .
I think you can let the Option "Annex M/J" activated if this sounds too radical for You ….
Else try to make a hardware reset of the device then try again .
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For rollback you have to connect with putty to the router (ssh option on) and login with your admin credentials and then you can downgrade your FW
zycli modelcheck off
zycli fwidcheck offExit
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Ich glaube nicht dass die firmware an sich fehlerhaft ist, sondern es ist nur etwas in der config ungünstig verstellt worden beim upgrade vielleicht auch nur bei der DE Version . Die 3.4 läuft bei mir ja gut .
Erst mal mit dem workaround anfangen , wenn es dann klappt sieht man dass der Router nicht "kaputt"
ist , dann auf eine neue firmware warten in der vielleicht eine Option zur Auswahl von Annex B ist .
Mein Tip umgeht ja diese Problematik indem sie das Modem in ein reines VDSL Modem verwandelt …
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Hello @alexrad
Welcome to the forum.
On the DX3301-T0 there are separate LEDs for DSL and Internet, see below.
from the user guide available at https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en-gb/support/download?model=dx3301-t0
If DSL LED is not steady green, then your DSL line has not come up (maybe due to Annex setting as @Peter2 suggested.)
- Are you using DSL?
If DSL is steady green, but Internet is Red, then PPPoE has failed (maybe due to username and password settings issue)
- what colour is your Internet LED?
Zyxel say that the warranty period is different in different countries, see https://www.zyxel.com/global/en/support/warranty-information
Kind regards,
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