PLA6457 ethernet connection has stopped

PLA-1st: connected to modem via ethernet cable
PLA-2nd: connected to PoE injector (Ubiquiti U-POE-AF) via ethernet cable, which connects to IP camera (Hikvision DS-2CD2086G2-IU) via ethernet cable

Alternative setup for testing: PLA-2nd: connected to a laptop via ethernet cable

The setup with IP camera functioned (ethernet connection available) continiously for five days. The next days it would stop after maximum 12 hours. After a reset of both PLA's, the ethernet connection would be restored again, to stop again after maximum 12 hours. This was not a preferable fix at all, but at least it could be fixed.

Now, there's no ethernet connection at all. The IP camera is offline and (alternative setup) the laptop is also offline.
Reset doesn't work anymore.
However, all four LED lights are on, either green/green (blinking)/green/green (blinking) or green/amber (blinking)/green/green (blinking).

How do I get the ethernet connection up and running again? Without having to reset it every 12 hours or so of course.

All Replies

  • PixelAXE
    PixelAXE Posts: 22  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    If resetting it hasn't resolved the issue, consider plugging it into the same extension cord to see if other devices in the same location are also affected. If the problem persists, there may be an issue with the devices.

    In my experience, it should operate perfectly without any problems. Alternatively, you could test other devices aside from the IP camera, as the camera may require significant bandwidth, especially if it needs to upload video frequently.

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 971  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited March 2024

    Hello @leh123

    Welcome to the forum.

    Do you know what firmware versions your PLA6457 are running?

    There is a version from November 2023 linked under Downloads from

    - but the release notes don't say specifically that V1.00(ACAJ.2)C0 fixes a hang-up, see below screenshot.

    If the top Power LED is not blinking, then at least your plugs are not in standby mode. See below extract from the user guide about the LEDs and their meaning.

    Are you able to run a continuous Ping of your IP camera to see if that makes the connection stay up?

    Is your IP camera getting power from your PoE injector ok? Unfortunately, it seems like the Ubiquiti POE injectors don't have any LAN activity LEDs on them, see

    * Does your IP camera need more power than the U-POE-af can supply? (48 Volts DC at 0.32 Amps)?

    Kind regards,


  • Megachip
    Megachip Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Better not Update to (ACAJ.2)C0 … had (ACAJ.1)C0 running and everything was half ok - connection is much worse then HomeAV, but at least there is an connection. With (ACAJ.2)C0 I got no connection at all at the same line. Only if I plug them into the same distribution socket, they finding each other.

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