My WAN port Is capped at 100M
Model is EX3300-TO connection is fiber, cables can all do 1000m ive updated the firmware, my ISP should be giving me 1000M, i seemingly can find no other the reason for why this is.
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Hello @loke10000
Welcome to the forum.
Looking at the user guide
linked from , does the System Info screen on your Zyxel device say that the WAN port is running at 100M or 1000M?
If it says WAN port is at 1000M, then you need to ask your ISP why you are not getting the speed you are paying for.
If it says WAN port is at 100M, then it might be an issue of speed auto negotiation between the fibre NTE and your Zyxel device as the EX3300-T0 does not have a fibre port on it.
* if rebooting your Zyxel device does not resolve it, then you need to talk to your ISP again.
Kind regards,
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System info screen says the port is running at 100M, rebooting nor resetting nor getting a new router(same model) changed anything. Ive already been in contact with my ISP and they were the ones to send the new Router, they cant see any problem on their end.
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The modem is the other device has its specs can be configurated has ab Web gui for configuration ? Was restarted too ?
Can you log in to the modem and see the values of the connection ?
Or even better is there a parallel way to connect to the running coupled modem for login via a second lan port or Wlan ?
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Bad cable?
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Thank you @lake10000 for your post.
This information would would explain why you are not getting the throughput that you were expecting.
Can you please check if a different good Cat5e or Cat6 Ethernet cable gives you a different behaviour?
- As @PeterUK suggests.
Kind regards,
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Ive checked several cables both cat5e and cat6. No difference, theyll say 1000m in the LAN ports but only 100M in the WAN port
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Ok. Thanks for your reply @loke10000 .
I think that you will need to contact your ISP and ask them to check their equipment in order to make the Ethernet WAN connection at 1Gbps.
- The two devices seem to have negotiated the speed down to 100 Mbps.
Kind regards Tony
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