Speedlink 5501 hacked? (susicious telefone calls)

mycatisblack24 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
First Comment

My provider informed me about suspicous/expensive telefone calls.

Is my speedlink 5501 hacked?
Can I check this anyway?

All Replies

  • heathercarstens
    heathercarstens Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    edited October 13

    @ slope game: You should look for a list of connected devices in the router's interface. Check for any unfamiliar devices that might indicate unauthorized access.

  • mycatisblack24
    mycatisblack24 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    I the recents day there was no unfamilar device in the list of connected devices.

    for the older ones I'm not able to say ok or not ok to every entry.

    I made now a factory reset and changed all passwords again.

    Now I've lost a couble of menu entrys in the config menu of the 5501. Especally the entry for the firmware update.
    How can I make sure that the latest frimware is installed?

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,380  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    You bought Speedlink 5501 from a store… or was sent to you from the provider?

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