LTE4506 frequent disconnections

Paco83 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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Hello, I recently got an LTE 4506 router with a 4G sim card. Everything works perfectly, except that I have to restart the router several times a day because I can no longer access the Internet. It says the connection is established, I can do a Google search, but can't access websites. On the router interface page, the settings seem ok (4G mode, always-on connected...). Can you help me? I've seen two other topics on this problem, but neither solves it.

Attached is the log when I lost the connection.

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 973  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2024

    Hello @Paco83

    Welcome to the forum.

    Does the issue you have happen every 5 minutes?

    The log file says that there is an auto logout timer of 5 minutes, see 21:53:18 on December 18 for an example log entry.

    It might be worth asking your provider Bouygues Telecom if they can help you with this setting…though this timeout might just be for the management access to your device.

    At 21:51:07 in your log file, a SIGTERM is logged just after udhcp renewed an IP address. The SIGTERM suggests something is telling your LTE router to restart it's connection to your cellular provider.

    What firmware is your device running please?

    Happy new year and kind regards Tony

  • Paco83
    Paco83 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    Hi Tony, thank you very much for your reply.
    The logout timeout is the connection time on the router interface. I think.
    I think the problem is actually with the internet settings. The router always indicates that the Internet connection is good. It's just that websites don't load.
    I updated the firmware (V1.00(ABDO.6)C0) but it didn't solve the problem.
    I'll try a hard reset to see if that solves any problems.

    Thanks again, happy new year!

  • Paco83
    Paco83 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    The loss of connection occurs at the same time as the SIGTERM transmission. It happens 2 or 3 times in about 24 hours. I think I need to look into that.

  • Paco83
    Paco83 Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Hello everyone, the router works nominally!
    I did a hard reset and restricted the LTE connection to 3 bands only. For almost 1 week everything has been working and I haven't had to reboot the router.
    Hope this helps...

    Thank for your support.

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