DX3301-TO - Netmask changed, how to Web Access

Bern Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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Dear Community,

I use DX3301-TO in combination with Austrian Provider A1.

Default IP is, I want to change the netmask and for this purpose, there is already an option to choose between, and a third one which I do not remember.

As soon as the netmask was changed to, I cannot connect to the Web IF anymore (which is normal) cause I am not in the same network anymore.

I thought the new internal IP for the modem is (like FritzBox and other similar modems).
Everything works fine (Internet, WiFi) but I cannot reach the Web Access anymore.

I assume that there is a misconfig with the providers firmware / default access when changing the netmask. I cannot find any hint in the documentation and the provider could not help me yet (they have fwd. my request to 3rd lvl).

Do you have any Ideas?

Kind regards

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